5 thoughts on “Deploying VM’s and Availability Sets with Managed Disks ARM Template

  1. Hey Craig,

    Thanks for posting this article. It’s one of the only articles I’ve been able to find online regarding ARM templates and managed disks. You wrote in your article if anyone wanted a copy of the template you created to drop a line in the comment section. I was wondering if you’d mind sharing your template with me? I’m trying to create a template that simply deploys two standard (no custom image) Server 2016 VMs with managed disks, and places them in an existing Vnet and subnet. I’m not really so worried about availability sets and stuff, just creating two VMs with managed disks. If you could share your template I think that may help me out.



  2. Craig great post thank you very much. This has helped me get my templates updated. I am however running into an issue I was curious if you have ever seen before. I am trying to redeploy a VM that was originally created with non-managed disks that post deployment was converted to managed disks. I am receiving the following error and was wondering if you had seen before.

    New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment : 8:48:58 PM – Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines
    ‘acusnmpgciusq1’ failed with message ‘{
    “error”: {
    “code”: “PropertyChangeNotAllowed”,
    “target”: “dataDisk.name”,
    “message”: “Changing property ‘dataDisk.name’ is not allowed.”

    I would be more than happy to share my code offline.

    Thanks again!

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